My girlfriend text ed me last week. -Sleepover and color my hair?- My daughter was staying at the ex's which is a long story and going to stop soon, so I replied *YES*.
We started out at the gym for a killer workout, and then headed over to Sally beauty and the liquor store. She made her famous Green Chili (I am outing her. 505) and we popped open the Wine.
About 3 hours later she looked exactly the same even though we were trying to make her blonder and I.... well, I had jet black hair with red highlights. So for the last week or so, I have been hiding either at home or work.
Now the real fun part of this is how my $12.00 hair coloring kit turned into $310.00 and counting.
You can't go into Sally Beauty with out leaving with a few other "you have to have this" crap. So $60.00 later I walked out just knowing that I was going to look like a beauty queen.
Then, because I am a real wine connoisseur, I spent $12.00 on a bottle of Yellow Tail. That is how I roll.
Then Mindy had to call and ask me to go out on Friday and I was not going out looking like Elvira, so I called my good friend that does my hair when I am not drinking wine and set up an appointment. $115.00 (which is only because she felt sorry for me and is my friend) later, I felt like a new woman and was ready to hit the town.
Of course I had some appetizers and drinks to celebrate my new look. (thank god for boys buying our drinks all night long) I only spent $40.00 the whole night.
I can't have a new hair color and not change my makeup (it just wouldn't look right), so I went to Walgreen's to invest in some cheap stuff just to see what colors I like before spending a lot of money on the better brands. $83.00 later I walked out and guess what? Yep, none of it looks good with the new hair color. Oh, and not to mention that as we are roaming through Walgreen's, my daughter was throwing random shit in my cart. So I am now a proud owner of a Pooh hat and gloves that I didn't catch. Urg!
Someone needs to shoot me next time I say I am having wine and coloring my hair. PLEASE!
Well at least you got that great workout beforehand! AND I got to meet your cool hairdresser friend, bar owner "friend" and later, laugh my ass off at you working the "Russian mafia/car man" (lol) who ended up picking up our tab!
ReplyDeleteGood times, as far as I'm concerend, so I will not be shooting you the next time you pick up a box of hair dye and bottle of wine! ;)
I just have to laugh really. In the nicest way possible, but I am still laughing.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, I am laughing because I've done this too, and I don't even have the child to toss things in the cart while I'm not looking.
ReplyDeleteReconsidering my home dye job now....I so don't have $300 to fix it!
ReplyDeleteIf only it ended so well for the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteUGH! Nevah will I buy color in a box...NEVAH
That's some funny shit right there, girl.
ReplyDeleteBut YIKES! That's a lot of $$ for hair color! Which is why I'll probably just pluck the greys as they come...
LOL! Ah, Danielle. I wish I was there to see and hear the story in person!
ReplyDeleteAnd, yeah, I don't blame Mind for saying what she did. ;)
There really should be photos along the way to augment this fine recollection. Bring it.
ReplyDeleteGeez! That sounds like something I'd do. Never drink and colour!
ReplyDeleteI guess boys have it easier. No need to spend a lot to color something that isn't much there. [sigh]
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'm not bald yyyet, but I will say this: I used to be very, very blond. And as my hair has gotten darker as I get older, that has bothered me some. I've entertained the notion that maybe... mayyyybe, I should give in and have it lightened up. Just a touch.
Luckily, I then have the good fortune to read stories like this and make other plans, instead.
At least your hair looks good now. That's really all that matters. :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! That is just too funny! I'm always telling my husband that beauty is epensive!
ReplyDeleteIf your hair gets really bad, put the Pooh hat on!
ReplyDeleteHilarious!!!! Sounds worth it to me ;)
ReplyDeleteSO have been there....only babe, Elvira is WAAAAY sexier than my Courtney Love week.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll stay brunette, thanks :)
ReplyDelete*Giggling more*
Just give a shout out when you think you're going to do this again and we'll stop you!!!